Misconstrued, Misguided, and Misleading Tuesday, Dec 1 2009 

Misconstrued, Misguided, and Misleading

Attacks on Governor Huckabee are disingenuous

By Paulo Sibaja
Several Republicans would like to have the public believe Governor Mike Huckabee is directly responsible for the Washington police shooting. On November 29th, 2009 four Police officers were killed in Tacoma, Washington. The person of interest (POI), as described by law enforcement, is Maurice Clemmons. POI is someone involved in a criminal investigation that has not been arrested or formally accused of a crime. Clemmons was granted clemency by Arkansas Governor Huckabee. Clemency (commutation) does not mean pardoning a criminal, offense forgiveness, or granting freedom from prison, clemency means a reduction in severity of punishment. Governor Huckabee is not responsible nor is this case his “Willie Horton” moment as Michelle Malkin called it; those who say it is misconstrue the facts, are misguided in their opinions, and are misleading the people.

Maurice Clemmons was convicted at the young age of sixteen for three crimes none of which were violent. Crime number one: house robbery while unoccupied; crime two: purse snatch (robbery); crime three: possession of a firearm. Clemmons was sentenced to 108 years! Let me repeat that ONE-HUNDRED AND EIGHT YEARS; to be served consecutively. Ask yourself was the sentence excessive?

In 2000 Governor Huckabee commuted (cut) Clemmons’ 108-year sentence to 47.5 years. Clemmons had being incarcerated for eleven years. Because his sentence was reduced to 47.5 years, Clemmons was eligible for parole. Arkansas’ governor DOES NOT decide who can or cannot go on parole. The Parole Board decided to let Clemmons out on parole only to return to prison because he broke his parole’s requisites. As Kevin McCullough states over at townhall.com it was “prosecutorial malfeasance that THEN allowed Clemmons to walk free, NOT a Huckabee commutation.” Meaning Clemmons was essentially freed due to wrongful conduct by the prosecution.

Clemmons moved to Washington State shortly after his decade and a half long stint with Arkansas’ criminal system. For the most part, he lived a tranquil life, not causing problems, nor encounters with the law. After 5-6 years of peaceful cohabitation with fellow citizens, Clemmons ran into trouble. Not too long ago he was charged with child rape.

Two Washington judges, John McCarthy and Thomas Felnagle, collaborate with each other leading to Clemmons’ eventual release. Judge McCarthy set a very low bail of $15,000 for what he knew was a previous offender and Judge Felnagle signed off on the bail amount. The judges’ actions led to Clemmons’ release. Huckabee who in NO way, shape, or form knew Clemmons was going to commit severe crimes cannot and should not be blamed for what has tragically happened. McCarthy and Felnagle who in every way, shape, and form knew of Clemmons’ criminal record should bear the burden of guilt.

In Washington state alone, Clemmons has faced eight criminal charges, you want to know who is responsible in addition to the judges? Washington’s authority. This year alone Clemmons has been in and out of jail four times. One would think his RECENT record might be alarming enough to judges whose decisions essentially threw him out into the streets.
Republicans or conservatives trying to link Governor Huckabee to the killings are, quite frankly, disingenuous. They realize the Governor is 2012’s Republican frontrunner and any sign, whether true or not, of weakness will be magnified to handicap his strong standing and rising popularity. Several of the same people who heavily criticized Governor Huckabee during the presidential campaign are doing so again. And those same people are essentially the same people who believe Mitt Romney should have been the nominee and would like to see him as the nominee in 2012.

I will remind the readers Governor Huckabee did not let Clemmons out of prison, the Parole Board did. Governor Huckabee did not botch the opportunity to incarcerate Clemmons after he violated his parole while in Arkansas, the prosecutor did. Governor Huckabee did not set a low bail amount after rape charges were filed against Clemmons, Judge McCarthy and Felnalgle did. Governor Huckabee did not shoot the four police officers, authorities, as of right now, simply believe Clemmons is implicated but have not pressed charges.

It is saddening how political opportunists take advantage of a tragic and unnecessary incident in order to score political points and potentially derail a rival. My prayers and thoughts go out to the victims’ family members and friends.

Stimulate, Stimulate, Not the Economy but the Liberal Agenda Wednesday, Feb 4 2009 

Stimulate, Stimulate, Not the Economy but the Liberal Agenda

By: Paulo Sibaja



Stimulate, stimulate, not the economy but the liberal Democratic agenda headed by House Speaker Pelosi, President Obama and Senate Majority Leader Reid.  That is what is happening in Capitol Hill.  I was recently interviewed by UC Riverside’s Highlander newspaper. The writer wanted to know what Republicans were feeling after the election. He asked me what I thought about the Democrats’ Congressional victories. My answer was short and simple: “They will TAX and SPEND the living lights out of our generation and generations to come.” 



It took them only weeks to begin stimulating their liberal agenda by proposing an ultra-partisan piece of legislation being sold to the American public as a STIMULUS package. Has the new Democratic Congress forgotten they approved $700 BILLION worth of stimulation just months ago? And now their new SPENDING package, not stimulus, is ballooning over $900 BILLION. Ladies and gentlemen let us stop throwing these kind of numbers around lightly. If this spending package passes then we would have spent over $1.6 TRILLION not to mention all of it will be borrowed and paid back with interest. In other words it will cost me and my, yet to be born children, an arm, and an eye, and hey!! a leg.



Governor, turned TV Host, Mike Huckabee, and my first choice for president, pointed out that $1 trillion would not only cover the market value of Microsoft in its entirety, but also cover Wal-Mart, Google, Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Time Warner, and the all powerful Apple.  However, do not think it would be a purchase that you would barely be able to afford, that is not so.  After taking over these 7 POWERFUL American Corporations you would have a nice vacation bonus totaling $23 billion, a figure our new Congress considers chum change.



If this spending package would have sound fiscal policies then PERHAPS it would be far easier to digest.  Indeed that is not the case.  Allow me to highlight some of the Democrats’ ideas for stimulating our economy.  Most infamous was $550 million for contraceptives.  Thanks to Republican opposition this provision was removed, but one must ask oneself: How are contraceptives going to create NEW jobs or STIMULATE a lagging economy? The answer is simple: it will NOT.



Yet this package is laden with non-stimulating PORK.  Indulge with me as I list, only a small portion, of Congress’ BIGGEST barbeque shopping list ever:

  1. $1 billion for Amtrak (which has not turned a profit long before I was born)
  2. $2.4 billion for projects to DEMOSTRATE how carbon greenhouse gas can safely be removed from the atmosphere
  3. $335 million for prevention of STD
  4. $248 million for new furniture at the Homeland Security headquarters (while Americans are losing their homes and furniture Democrats want to furnish the H.S.)
  5. $75 million for ‘smoking cessation activities’
  6. $6 billion to turn federal buildings green-friendly (this while Americans have suffered a COLD winter or HOT summer because they cannot pay the heating/cooling bill)


When Democrats go on television and tell Americans they need to save their money and be frugal in hard times their lips are drenched with deposition of hypocrisy.  They have adopted a “do as a say NOT as I do” policy, the only problem is that the money they are spending is not theirs but OURS. Your money, the taxpayer, your mom, dad, siblings, and friends’ money.  That explains why it is so easy to spend it.  When it is not yours then no problem, right? Wrong.



Even more evidence of hypocrisy.  The liberal Democrats were constantly accusing Republicans of fear mongering in order to get support.  They called it “despicable”, “a disservice to the people”, “beneath the standards of a respectable party”, and yet they have used this financial crisis to stimulate not the economy but their agenda by granting interviews and portraying a picture that if this package is not passed then our way of life, our economy, your job, and home will be completely and utterly lost.  However, they are not telling you about their unnecessary spending. 



Governor Huckabee had it right when he stated, “A lot of legislation is like garbage and it’s garbage the first day in the can, but if it sits there long enough, it really starts smelling. Congress knows that the so-called stimulus bill is garbage, but hope it gets voted on before it sits there long enough to start smelling.”


Join me not as a Republican or a Democrat, not as an Independent but as an AMERICAN and tell your Senator, your Congressman or woman that enough is enough.  Stop stimulating your liberal agenda by foreclosing OUR future, your children’s future, your unborn children’s future.  Demand they stimulate; stimulate not their agenda, but our well being.  


Go to: http://www.house.gov/house/MemberWWW_by_State.shtml#ca and search for your Congressional representative follow the links until you get to contact

Do the same for your Senators: http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm

Shame on you Hamas Sympathizers Thursday, Jan 8 2009 

Shame on you Hamas Sympathizers

By: Paulo Sibaja


Mr. Hier reports in the Wall Street Journal of several accounts involving anti-Israeli protests.  Of these many he vividly discusses only a handful of them, meaning they are abundant all over America and the world.  Banners in Florida read “Go back to the ovens!” referring to slaughter of Jews at the hands of Nazis in the gas chambers.  Others include “clean the earth from dirty Zionists!”, “Gas the Jews”, or the automobile crashing into a synagogue in France, or Jewish owned shops sprayed with swastikas.  This is despicable and reprehensible. 


If you live in Berlin, Los Angeles, Houston, New York City, Toronto Cananda, London, Madrid, Stockholm Sweden, Washington D.C. and many other CITIES, then let me inform you that you live in a CITY that is larger than the NATION of Israel.  Imagine with me if you were under constant attack not only from Los Angeles’ northern neighbor but its southern neighbor as well. 


This means EVERY DAY you will be shelled from either the north or south.  You would NOT be able to sleep in the comfort of your own bed knowing full well that any second your home would vanish and your life would end because your neighboring regions hate and despise you and wish you nothing but DEATH.  This means EVERY meal you eat at home, or anywhere for that matter, you would not be able to enjoy it because as you savor your mom’s favorite dish your life could flash before your eyes.  This means EVERY time you visit a mall and are happily shopping for yourself or others, you have to keep in mind that Hamas to the south and Hezbollah to the north are MORE THAN WILLING to fire rockets into a mall to kill you and your niece, your son, your father,  your sister, aunt, grandfather, a loved one, or a friend.  This means EVERY day you shower there is a possibility that you’ll have to run out of the shower and into a shelter to protect yourself from rockets fired your way. 


This IS the condition in which the people of Israel live on a day to day basis.  Fearing for their lives and the lives of their loved ones, living each day not knowing if they will live to see tomorrow’s daylight.  No human being should EVER have to endure such unnecessary brute force.  Yet Israelis do so and basically stand alone in the world.


The world is quick in condemning Israel, yet careful, crafty, and even cautious when addressing the terrorist thugs of Hamas or Hezbollah.  They ask the victim (Israel) to show restrain when during a CEASE FIRE shells and rockets rained down on Israeli towns.  They call the victim the aggressor and the aggressor the poor innocent defenseless victim.


Hamas cowardly hides behind their innocent civilians, it HAS been documented over and over and over and over again that terrorist groups like Hamas choose to use HUMANS as SHIELDS, they hide behind their innocent knowing full well Israel will not strike were civilians are thought to be.  They choose to fire their weapons behind a school, or by a hospital, often in a neighborhood because they are ruthless beings who care about one thing and one thing only: the death of a Jew, even if it means sacrificing some of the innocent civilians in the territory they illegitimately took over.


Israel is the ONLY true democracy in the region, and yet a large amount of Americans see it as the enemy not the ally (my former supervisor comes to mind).  Israel warns its enemies and the civilian population if an attack is coming, in war, who does that?! Yet they choose to do it because they treasure innocent life.  They are asked to give this give that in order to attain peace, yet shortly after becoming a nation all of its neighbors declared war.  Had America, after declaring its independence, been attacked by all of the Indian tribes to the west, the Spanish in the Caribbean and central America, and the British and French to the north (now Canada), I can ASSURE YOU the United States of America would not exist.


Israel was PROMISED peace if it withdrew from Gaza, I got news for you it has been years since Israel withdrew its settlements. I only have one question: WHERE IS THE PEACE?! Israel is asked to divide its capital, Jerusalem, and they will have peace, I got news for you half of Israel has been in the hands of Muslims for years. I only have one question: WHERE IS THE PEACE?!


For those in the world and the hundreds of thousands of Americans who sympathize with groups like the PLO, Hamas, Hezbollah, and the likes and choose to blame America and Israel: SHAME ON YOU.    

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